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The 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2021)

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 1069
Name: The 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2021)
URL:  http://www.fronticomp.com/ic2021/
Dates: 1 - 3, February, 2021

Location: Taiwan, Taichung

Important Dates
・Special session and workshop proposal: September 30, 2020
・Submission Due Date : October 31, 2020
・Notification of acceptance : November 30, 2020
・Registration Due Date : December 27, 2020
・Camera-ready sumitted due : December 27, 2020

Submission Details: Prospective authors are invited to contribute the latest original and high-quality papers to IC2021@Taiwan, Taichung: through online submission page at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ic20210.

Brief Description:

Name: The 4th International Conference on Innovative Computing (IC 2020) will be held in Taiwan, Taichung, 1 - 3, February, 2021. This event will be the 4th event of the series, in which fruitful results can be found in IC2015(Xiamen, China), IC2016(Taichung, Taiwan), IC2020(Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City). This conference is expected to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field of innovative computing. Significant contributions in all major fields of the Computer Science and Information Technology in theoretical and practical aspects are highly welcomed.

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings as one of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) series published by Springer (indexed by EI and SCOPUS). In addition, IC 2021 features a special publication model for authors to extend their conference works to high quality journals and books after the conference. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, presentation and clarity of exposition. Selected high quality and presented papers, with more than 40% extension and revision, will be recommended to one of the top-rank journals. More details can be found on the conference website.

For the topics and other materials, please visit conference website: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ic20210, for details.

We are sure that you will have a wonderful experience of visiting Taiwan, Taichung during the IC 2021.

We look forward to welcoming you in the winter of Taiwan, Taichung!