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학술저널명 창간연도 설명
한국정보기술학회논문지(JKIIT) 2003 논문투고방법
www.ki-it.or.kr 로그인=>오른쪽 퀵메뉴 (논문투고 및 심사) 또는 홈페이지 온라인 논문투고 바로가기=>투고자=>한국정보기술학회논문지(JKIIT) =>투고하기
Journal of Advanced Information Technology and Convergence(JAITC) 2011 JAITC is a cross disciplinary journal, issued two times a year. The journal publishes high-quality, refereed papers on broad aspects of information technology (IT) and the convergence of IT and other various areas such as agriculture, construction, shipbuilding, supply chain management (SCM), energy and so on. The goal of JAITC is to deliver theoretical and practical research contributions to readers very quickly through rigorous peer review procedures.

Specific topics include, but not limited to :

A) Convergence of information technology and various areas including agriculture, iotechnology, construction, shipbuilding, energy and so on.
B) Embedded systems, network technology
C) Signal processing, mobile telecommunication, radio technology
D) Information security, information processing
E) Information technology service

Paper Submission Method

www.ki-it.or.kr Log in=>Quick menu on the right (document and examination) or online thesis submission on the website.
=>Journal of Advanced Information Technology and Convergence(JAITC)
International Conference 2016 1.Softec
4.FGCN etc

Paper Submission Method

www.ki-it.or.kr Log in=>Quick menu on the right (document and examination) or online thesis submission on the website => 한국정보기술학회논문지(JKIIT) 또는 Journal of Advanced Information Technology and Convergence(JAITC)

논문 심사비 및 게재료 내역

게재료 일반게재료 긴급 게재료 연구비지원논문
(연구기관 표기)
구분 금액 구분 금액
1~6면 까지 150,000원 1~6면 까지 300,000원 일반 : 100,000원 추가
긴급 : 200,000원 추가
7면 부터 30,000원/면 7면 부터 60,000원/면
심사료 일반 심사비 : 50,000원 (논문투고시)
긴급 심사비 : 100,000원 (긴급 게재적용)